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2019-12-15 12:43:24 GMT+0
Server Status
Aeolus Active
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Best Item Set


Race Player Guild Grant Name Job Alias Level M3 Point
SiLenT_DeaTh TC__Leon 101 790
WAR_CreeD_ Turkey Fetih_1453 WAR_CreeD__ 101 786
Mathilda Turkey TC__Mathilda 101 785
MarryMe _TC_ TC_AYDINLI MoreAction 101 784
Kimoesta eXecuted Historical 101 781
PoVver OverKill 101 778
Theia eXecuted Wynne HelloWorld 101 776
Niklaus eXecuted BOEF RevSix 101 775
DarknessHawk eXecuted Most_Wanted Lucky_Shot 101 775
Alopex eXecuted ShinraTensei Xepola 101 774
HARDCORE Turkey Supernova _Trinity_ 101 774
KaanKings __MAC__ 101 773
jFK _TC_ For_Reason PsiKoOo 101 771
PASHA _TC_ _PASHA_ 101 770
Decebal eXecuted PuideDac DEATH_DCBL 101 770
WingPeak _TC_ GayBanaDunya PeakWing 101 770
K1z1L3Lma_ Turkey 101 769
CrystalEyeS eXecuted RussenDisco 101 769
S1K1C1 eXecuted ROBROY 101 768
ShadowFiend _TC_ New_StyLe WarCraft_SF 101 765
PirateJack __BrotherS__ TaTaNGaLaR korsan_cek 101 764
_SunShini_ 101 763
Nephios eXecuted Godless _Deidara_ 101 761
Bamsi_ALP __BrotherS__ _GURBETCI_ KAYI_OBASI 101 760
Madmax_08 Turkey SAKINCALI MaVi0KYaNuS 101 758
Redix eXecuted All_Mighty 101 757
oIiveman _TC_ ChangedToMax BeyZade_60 101 757
I_Vandragon TC_Vandragon 101 757
Marucu eXecuted Mariuss 101 755
ALTin_SeRCe _TC_ GURBETCI TC__ALTin_ 101 754
By_Tinerci eXecuted ______EFSANE FeArLeS 101 752
MoreActionN _TC_ _DerbedeR_ 101 752
A_Dog eXecuted BeterRunFast Call_911 101 750
S_a_d _TC_ BeyZade_60 101 750
Cobra9872 eXecuted appel 101 750
Ultimate HellBraker 101 749
Cristoo _TC_ Cristoooo 101 747
ProBow09 _TC_ EDESEMMM 101 747
WaNQuiShEr _TC_ TryTooDie TC_W4NQ 101 747
Alena 101 746
JynxMaze Europha JuliaSweden 101 746
Bonya KALENDER_TC 101 745
ChAoZ Ch4oZ 101 745
HosJakaLL _TC_ ____SwJ____ DentistBoi 101 744
BALTACIMEMET Turkey THE_REAPER Bortecine 101 744
Boss_ FeArLeS 101 743
Nagato eXecuted 101 742
Rustaagh23 eXecuted djaxx blackdevil 101 738
intikam_09 Night_Club _EFEKENTLl_ 101 738
EmpireState _TC_ cCc_TURK_cCc 101 738
AlenaCroft JuliaSwe 101 737
Alteza __Genan 101 734
Breakfast English Rushing RUSHlNG 101 733
_MostWanted_ Free_Killers Red Little_Luck 101 732
Taxi_RED Little_Luck 101 728
Minniemaus SweetMouse 101 727
_SAKINCALI_ _OMG_ 101 727
DIABLOIII __DEADLY__26 101 726
Samtzu Turkey WoRLD_FoR GoTcHa 101 724
cranck Spartans xBltchSlap 101 724
Soldier Spartans Doctor_HnD 101 723
Disturbed _TC_ Milf_Hunter 101 723
FriDayZ DayZ ChAoZ_RuLeZ FriD4yZ 101 722
NeverMore WarCraft Joo WarCraft_NM 101 722
Richtofen Wicked_Onez IvarLothbrok Stalingrad 101 722
Malia Currybude 101 721
goldynn92 English 101 721
KRAL_SWORD Turkey LA_LA 101 721
WednesDayZ DayZ ChAoZ_RuLeZ WednesD4yZ 101 721
S1K1C1OlilE eXecuted ROBNKILL 101 721
GoldeN_OnE eXecuted NEXT JustOneHit 101 720
Rayukan Flexious NightKing xDrogon 101 719
Doom_Stroke Turkey North_BeaR 101 719
YpnOz ChantilIysS 101 718
ChayaShi Flexious OneToOne LynXing 101 718
Rushing_ English 101 718
Jack eXecuted 101 717
Ghoost Q8 101 717
Miskin _TC_ DADAS Miskinn 101 717
EdHardy _JuggerNaut_ 101 717
Haunting TuranianArmy Rest_N_Peace Hyaena 101 717
Oguzhann Turkey ____ARAP____ 101 717
ThursDayZ DayZ ChAoZ_RuLeZ ThursD4yZ 101 717
BrokenHopeS_ TheNobleS For_ReaL 101 717
HeLLRheme Turkey ____Q8____ 101 715
_S1lkari3s_ ClashOfLatin HuyacuchiMan _ShiroHige_ 101 715
S0ul_0f_Wolf _HurriCane__ 101 715
jkL __BrotherS__ BaBa__MRB GanGsTeR____ 101 714
SuS_V_iZLe_ _TC_ 101 714
Soenix Project JBG 101 713
VoidSector eXecuted BurningHell 101 713
AngelicMoon Turkey Tauriel Tauriel 101 713
AKINCI _TC_ 101 712
Lazare eXecuted PlaySafely 101 712
Sarmatya _TC_ EL_SAHBAZ TC_Sarmatya 101 712
SonOfZeus Europha MenInBlack MenInBlack 101 712
iBurn eXecuted iiBurn 101 711
MonDayZ DayZ ChAoZ_RuLeZ MonD4yZ 101 711